The Rottie Mad Forum
Hello and a very big welcome to this wonderful forum, It's great to have you here with us. Please register.I'm sure you will enjoy the site and all it's fantastic news, advice, debates, games, general chat and much more. There is plenty to see and do and i look forward to reading your post's, having a chat, playing games and sharing pictures. Don't be shy, we are a very friendly bunch!
Here you can login, and if you are a guest please register, we are a friendly bunch, and would love to have you on site.
Hope you enjoy the site and find it helpful and fun

Kind Regards

Rottie Mad

P.S why don't you let us know how you found us by voting in our pole, here is the link-

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The Rottie Mad Forum
Hello and a very big welcome to this wonderful forum, It's great to have you here with us. Please register.I'm sure you will enjoy the site and all it's fantastic news, advice, debates, games, general chat and much more. There is plenty to see and do and i look forward to reading your post's, having a chat, playing games and sharing pictures. Don't be shy, we are a very friendly bunch!
Here you can login, and if you are a guest please register, we are a friendly bunch, and would love to have you on site.
Hope you enjoy the site and find it helpful and fun

Kind Regards

Rottie Mad

P.S why don't you let us know how you found us by voting in our pole, here is the link-
Have a good day Madders, you all take care
Rottie Mad is a great place to meet friends and share a common interest in the love of a wonderful breed
A Rottie mad welcome to Yvonne End BSL Sherwood, we hope you enjoy the site :)

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